Olivine Earth

Olivine Development Company

Removing 100 billion tonnes of carbon in our lifetime

Olivine Development Company

Removing 100 billion tonnes of carbon in our lifetime

Project Intro

At the Olivine Development Company we recognise the urgency and scale of our climate crisis.  We need solutions that can remove atmospheric carbon dioxide (CDR) at a massive scale.  We need solutions today, and we know these solutions will become increasingly critical in the years to come.

Olivine is our secret weapon.  This abundant, alkaline mineral can efficiently, permanently remove atmospheric CO2.  It can be deployed in a variety of ways.  Olivine pathways enable us to rejuvenate soils and de-acidify the ocean, while capturing carbon and combating climate change.

We are committed to deploying olivine to fight climate change using all of the available methods:


Enhanced Rock Weathering (ERW)

We are excited to be underway with our partners in Zimbabwe for our initial ERW project.  We’re applying fine-grained Olivine powder on agricultural lands.  This olivine mixture de-acidifies, fertilises, and rejuvenates the soil while drawing CO2 from the atmosphere.

Working with the leaders in ERW monitoring, reporting, and verification (MRV) we’re supplementing our commercial deployment with a series of trials to evaluate different mixes, grain sizes, quantities, and verification protocols.  These trials will ensure we’re using the most robust verification and certification protocols.  They will allow us to refine our model to expand our offering throughout the region and to other nations around the world.


Coastal Enhanced Weathering (CEW)

Coastal communities and ecosystems are increasingly threatened by rising sea levels and storm surges.  By building storm barriers from olivine sands, these essential infrastructure projects are also opportunities for large-scale CO2 removal.


When olivine is deployed in the ocean, natural tidal and wave agitation increases the weathering rate of the olivine.  As these minerals are agitated, they will release alkalinity which counteracts ocean acidification and draws CO2 from the atmosphere.

By combining coastal protection with CDR we are creating large-scale, self-funding infrastructure projects.  We can combat the ravages of climate change while attacking the root cause.


Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)

CO2 emissions are notoriously difficult and expensive to abate, using existing technical solutions.  These are currently limited to retrofitting expensive membrane scrubbing solutions.  Once the CO2 has been captured, the facility owner has the added technical challenge and expense of transporting the CO2 for injection into geographical storage sites or for further utilisation.

We supply a modular fabricated unit on site.  CO2 produced by your facility will be passed through a ‘plug flow’ reactor, filled daily with disposable sorbent provided by ODC.  The chemical reaction of the CO2 under heat and pressure will transform our pellets into new mineral salts, permanently storing the CO2.  ODC will remove the salts as part of the service offering.  Each unit has up t0 t CO2 removal capacity per day.

One tonne of processed Olivine can remove one tonne of CO2 from the atmosphere. To save our planet, we need to remove one trillion tonnes of CO2 from the atmosphere. There are trillions of tonnes of Olivine on Earth. We know what we need do and how to it. Let’s get to work



Nature-Based Project​







Technical Based Project

Carbon Capture


Direct Air Capture




100 Billion Tonnes

One tonne of Olivine can remove 1 tonne of CO2 from the atmosphere.

The world needs to remove 100 billion tonnes of CO2 from the air We have 100 billions tonnes of Olivine

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